✨ Material informatics services for
At the end of the service, you'll receive a tool to interact with your model and access results, which are your intellectual property. Our AI pipeline ensures consistent quality of recycled compounds, leading to cost savings and sustainable plastic use. We only assist when fine-tuning the AI model with new data for formulation adjustments is needed.
Data Extraction, Organization, and Structuring
We first create a cloud-based platform to gather and organize customer data in a structured way. This provides a strong foundation for integrating and accessing the data efficiently.
Training a Customer-Specific AI Model
We then use this organized data to train an AI model. The model intelligently links materials and processing parameters with recycled compounds' properties, forming a base for formulation suggestions.
Formulation Adjustment through Virtual Prototyping
Upon receiving new raw materials like recyclates, their properties are evaluated. Our AI suggests formulations based on these properties and the target parameters, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.
Experimental Validation and Prediction Accuracy
The processor tests a selected formulation, and our AI offers an experimental design to validate it. We then compare the actual and predicted parameters, providing clear visual representations for analysis.